Milford Opportunities Masterplan

The Milford Opportunities Project launched an ambitious and innovative masterplan for Milford Sound Piopiotahi, the Milford corridor and the region surrounding it, in July 2021.

Masterplan concepts and recommendations were developed through research and engagement with the community, key stakeholders, national interests and the New Zealand public.

Testing the masterplan

The masterplan is not a statutory document and the final decision on any changes rests with Government. Currently, the Milford Opportunities Project is focussed on testing the feasibility of the masterplan’s key concepts, including a significant programme of public and stakeholder engagement. Feasibility testing is due to be completed in June 2024. 

The masterplan makes recommendations designed to:

Uphold Piopiotahi Milford Sound’s extraordinary natural and cultural heritage, enhance and sustain the visitor experience and harness opportunities to support the communities of Southland and beyond.

The key concepts are:

  • Recognise and develop landscape conservation and cultural experience.
  • Establish a new governance model
  • Facilitate broader Murihiku and Southland benefits
  • Charge international visitors an access fee
  • Introduce a zero emission coach-based transport model
  • Establish a new Te Anau hub and enhanced developments
  • Develop multiple experiences along the corridor structured around key nodes
  • Encourage sustainable practices and use of green technology
  • Reorganise Milford Sound Piopiotahi to remove visitor conflicts
  • Modernise infrastructure at Milford Sound Piopiotahi

Download a copy of the Masterplan:

Milford Opportunities Masterplan (PDF, 31MB)

Milford Opportunities Masterplan (PDF, reduced file size 6MB)